One of the best friends in a small business is having customers that have long-term relationships with you. This is a key formula for success. One-time transactions are good but it’s nothing like having dependable retention with existing customers. Establishing a long-term relationship with your customers offers loyalty, continuous business and the probability of worth-of-mouth referrals. Plenty of businesses have benefited from getting a lead from an existing customer. Due to this, it’s important that you remain active with your existing customers, meeting their needs efficiently & effectively and truly letting them know that you’re there for them and you appreciate the business they give you.
Having a knowledge of who you can count on allows you to have a good estimate of what your revenue will be which offers stability for your business. Investing time and energy into these business relationships can establish quality connections. This should be driven by not only just to get a sale but to really want to help and assist to meet their needs. Developing that trust keeps both sides in a good state which will usually evolve into a lengthy relationship that works for everyone. Be a friend and real partner that has their interest truly in mind.
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