Tip 135: Create a strong mission statement

Tip 135

One of the first steps to starting a business is developing a business plan. In that plan usually you will find a mission statement. A mission statement gives the business a defined way to detail its purpose, goals and values. It’s intended to serve as a guide to be able to operate in it as it relates to the execution and brand of what it wants to deliver to the public. In order to create a mission statement properly, the direction of it should have a focus and clear understanding of what the business is going to be and how others will know what it is. Some key elements in it is to detail what the company does, who it intends to serve and the value it will give and have available to the masses to leverage and utilize.

A business statement needs to be original and customed to the business. Specifics are important to have in it because it makes it clear on what the intent and direction will be. Getting all necessary stakeholders onboard and involved in the development of the statement is important. You will want to capture the company’s culture and vision of the ultimate image of the business. You want it to be inspiring to push the pursuit and actionable so that the charge is clear to go full speed ahead with the work to be done.

Even over time you may want to re-visit the original mission statement and revised it if things have changed or the direction is on a greater path. Let your mission statement be the driver of direction and purpose that can keep the necessary focus to stay the course and get to levels of success you strive to get to.

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