Interaction with the community is important for a business as it will develop trust, make your presence known and establish a good reputation. Over time this can also help build customer loyalty. A business can make itself visible by offering community engagement opportunities by sponsoring local events, support and give to non-profit organizations and seek out volunteer activities that the business can participate in. Other ways to give is to conduct workshops, offer financial assistance with education or connect with a local program that you can contribute to.
In being fully invested, you’re able to give and be a dependable part of the community. You will also gain something back as you’ll be able to interact and get feedback from individuals who are customers, which can provide you insight on how to best serve them. Getting to know the community shows you care and want to support a better way to live. The return is that you will receive mutual support from within that would be willing to be active consumers to your business. The goal is to lead with true intent to serve and be there for others. The seeds you plant will more than likely return a harvest back to you. All sides benefit from a relationship that is led with sincerity to engage positively.
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